Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
coalesce to grow together or unite to form a single body or organization; unify; fuse.
crass lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude.
cravat a scarf or band of cloth tied loosely about the neck.
delectation enjoyment; delight; pleasure.
disinter to dig up or remove from a place of burial; exhume.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, especially from drugs or surgery.
ineptitude incompetence; lack of skill.
kibbutz an Israeli farming settlement whose ownership is shared by those who live and work there.
loll to hang down loosely; dangle.
oblique not direct or straightforward in intent, means, or achievement; indirect or devious.
phlegmatic not given to shows of emotion or interest; slow to excite.
unadulterated unmixed with or undiluted by additives or extraneous elements; pure; complete.
unscathed not hurt or harmed; completely uninjured.