Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board.
annoy to bother or disturb with irritating behavior.
appointment the act of choosing or naming for an office or duty.
complain to express pain, sadness, or unhappy feelings about something.
constantly continuously; without ever stopping.
defiant showing no respect for authority; refusing to obey.
demon an evil spirit; devil.
dismiss to send away or allow to go away.
expensive costing a lot of money; having a high price.
imaginative having or showing an ability to conceive of things that do not exist; creative.
immigration the act of coming to live permanently in a new country.
joint done or shared by two or more people or groups acting together.
muzzle the part of the head of some animals that contains the nose, jaws, and mouth.
noose a loop that passes through a knot in the end of a rope or other line. When the rope is pulled, the loop becomes smaller.
tide the flowing of water away from or back onto the land.