Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aura the subtle emanation of a quality or condition of someone or something.
bequest property handed down by will; legacy.
diligent trying hard and steadily to achieve a goal.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
fissure a narrow crevice or other opening, especially one caused by splitting.
incorporate to include as part of a larger thing; blend.
insolvent incapable of paying debts or meeting liabilities; penniless; bankrupt.
metabolism the processes in plants and animals by which food is changed into energy or used to make cells and tissues.
noncommittal not revealing what one's preference, feeling, or opinion is.
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
projectile any object that is thrown, fired, or shot by an outside force or weapon.
shoddy of low quality; poorly made or carried out.
superfluous being beyond a sufficient amount; excessive.
zealous characterized by, showing, or filled with an intense enthusiasm, as toward a cause, purpose, or activity.