Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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coarse having large grains or pieces, or a rough surface.
concern to have to do with; be about; affect.
crude natural; raw.
current of or happening in the present time.
dike a dam or high wall built to prevent flooding.
grant that which is given, often by a ruler, a government, or other institution, for a purpose considered to be of high value.
graze1 to feed on growing grass.
medication a medicine or drug.
mutate to display or cause to display a physical trait or characteristic that is different from one's parent or parents as a result of a change within a gene or chromosome.
ornament something that is added to make something more beautiful to look at; decoration.
pollute to make dirty or harmful to health by mixing in or adding waste material.
robot a machine that can perform some of the same tasks as a human being.
selection the act of choosing one thing from a group.
shot1 an instance of shooting with a weapon.
thrash to give a beating to; whip.