Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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captivate to charm or fascinate, as by beauty or wit; enthrall.
defunct no longer in existence or use; dead; extinct.
fictitious intended to deceive; not genuine; imaginary.
immobility the state or condition of not moving or being motionless.
junta a small group, often of military officers, acting as the rulers of a nation, especially provisionally after the overthrow of a previous government.
objectivity the quality of being unbiased or without prejudice.
ominous giving a sign of future evil or trouble.
ostracism an exclusion or rejection, as from a social group.
particularity precise or detailed character.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
profundity that which involves great insight or intellectual depth.
reverberation the continuation of a sound after the source of the sound has been cut off.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.
stint to refrain from spending; to be sparing or frugal.
uncharted not recorded on any map; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research.