Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridge to make shorter.
bane something or someone that causes ruin or great trouble.
blasphemy disrespect or irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable, especially God.
cavil to make petty criticisms or objections; carp (usually followed by "at" or "about").
diffident unsure of oneself; shy; demure.
disconsolate hopelessly unhappy; dejected.
dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
exuberance the condition or quality of being vigorously happy or high-spirited.
figment something imaginary or invented.
hiatus a gap or break in activity, time, or space; interruption.
indisposed slightly and temporarily ill, as with indigestion or a cold.
languid lacking or not showing strength, energy, or spirit; weak, slow, or listless.
overt openly apparent; not concealed. (Cf. covert.)
scanty barely adequate; meager.
tenacity the quality or condition of holding on strongly or persistently to something.