Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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astound to cause surprise or wonder; amaze.
continual going on without stopping.
flunk (informal) to be unsuccessful; fail, as a student in an examination or course.
hoarse having a rough and weak sound because of illness or too much use.
raspy rough and grating; harsh.
self-esteem confidence or pride in oneself; self-respect.
shade darkness caused by light rays being blocked.
solve to find or figure out an answer to.
supportive providing help, assistance, or encouragement.
talented having a natural skill or gift in some activity.
terrorize to control by using threats or acts of violence.
thrift wise use and saving of money or other resources.
tissue a group of cells in an animal or plant body that are like each other and do similar things.
tour to journey from place to place.
violence the causing of pain or harm, usually intentionally but sometimes because of loss of mental control.