Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basis something that supports and is needed by all the other parts; starting point or foundation.
community a particular area where a group of people live.
despise to hate or scorn.
errand a quick trip taken for a particular purpose.
feud anger, unfriendliness, or fighting between families or other related groups that lasts for a long time.
infect to spread germs or disease to.
intrude to enter or thrust oneself in when not invited or welcome.
invent to think of, come up with, or create something new.
liquid a form of matter that flows easily and is neither a solid nor a gas. Liquid can take on the shape of any container it is poured into. Water that is neither vapor nor ice is a liquid.
radar the use of radio waves to track the location, distance, and speed of faraway objects. Waves are sent out and then picked up again when they bounce back after hitting some object.
rural having to do with country life.
seasonal having to do with the seasons or a particular season of the year.
structural of or pertaining to construction, to things that are constructed, or to the basic parts that are assembled.
transform to change the form, look, or shape of.
whirl to turn or spin quickly on a central point.