Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
banish to cast out of a country by official action.
century a unit of time equal to one hundred years.
chain a row of links, usually made of metal, that are joined together and used to pull, hold, or fasten something.
colony a place where a group of people come to settle which is under the control of their home country.
faint weak or slight.
favorite a person or thing preferred over others.
holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout.
intense having a very great degree of something, such as heat, or being in a very great degree or state.
multiply to increase the number, degree, or amount of.
relieve to make less painful or troubling; ease.
software any of the programs that are written to operate a computer.
talented having a natural skill or gift in some activity.
tattle to tell secrets or give information about another person.
waste to use or spend in a careless way or for little or no return.