Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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colloquial characteristic of or suited to informal or familiar conversation or to writing that is imitative of conversational tone.
connote to suggest or imply (meanings or associations) in addition to the literal meaning.
curvature the condition of being bent or rounded.
disproportionate having too much of one thing in relation to something else; unbalanced.
enrapture to cause to be in rapture or to be ecstatically joyful.
foreshadow to signal or indicate beforehand; presage; prefigure.
insurrection an act or instance of open rebellion against a government or other authority; uprising.
ire anger or wrath.
novice a person with little or no experience at a particular job or activity.
redundant unnecessarily repetitive.
reminiscence something that is remembered; memory or impression.
rudimentary of or pertaining to the basic or first principles; elementary.
unsubstantiated lacking the evidence or verification needed to establish as true.
utilitarian of, concerning, or aiming at usefulness.
veneer a superficial outward appearance or show.