Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ash the soft gray powder that remains after something burns.
burn to be on fire.
click to make a slight, sharp sound.
driveway a private road that leads from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
early near the beginning of something.
event something that happens, especially an important thing that happens.
hoof the hard, tough covering on the feet of certain mammals such as horses, pigs, and deer.
household the group of people, such as a family, that lives together in one place.
monster a large, frightening creature that is not real.
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides. It is much higher than a hill.
net1 an object made of strong threads or strings that are woven in a way that leaves open spaces between them.
port a place where ships load, or the town or city near this place.
rinse to wash off with water.
space the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth.
tape a substance made of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. It is cut into long, narrow pieces. Tape is used to stick things together.