Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bravado a false, exaggerated, or boastful display of courage.
commodity something that can be bought and sold.
contagion the spreading of a disease by contact or close association.
delicacy something delightful or rare, especially food.
exigent requiring immediate attention; urgent or critical.
fluctuate to vary or change irregularly; rise and fall.
grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
manifold abundant and varied.
ramify to have or produce effects or consequences that make some original matter more complex.
rediscover to begin experiencing again; find again; regain.
repress to restrain or prevent the expression of (feelings, utterances, or the like).
sophistry a subtle, deceptive method of reasoning or arguing, involving statements that sound plausible but are actually false or fallacious.
stymie throw an obstacle in the way of (something or someone); impede; thwart.
verve energetic enthusiasm; liveliness.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.