Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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difficult hard to do or understand.
improve to make better.
lumber1 logs cut into boards or beams for use in building.
meantime the time that is in between.
nuisance a person or thing that is annoying.
profession a job or type of work that needs special training or study.
riot a violent disturbance caused by a large number of people.
shame a painful feeling brought about by the knowledge that one has done something wrong or not proper.
skit a short, usually funny play.
smock a loose, light jacket, coat, or other similar garment, that is worn over clothing to protect it from soil, paint, or damage.
soul the part of human beings separate from the physical body that is thought of as the center of feeling, thought, and spirit.
species a group of living things that naturally produce young with other members of the same group but not with those of other groups.
tinge to give a slight color to.
token a symbol that stands for something larger and greater in value
vision the ability to see; sight.