Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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activity a specific thing that people do.
backward with the last part first; in a way that is the opposite of the usual way.
builder a person who puts things together to make something, especially houses or other structures that people live or work in.
curtain a piece of cloth that hangs in a window or other opening to shut out light or to cover something.
darkness lack of light.
dinner the main meal of the day.
lazy not wanting to work or use effort.
notebook a book of blank pages to keep notes in.
pan an open, metal container for cooking or baking.
pitch1 the throw of a baseball by the pitcher toward the batter, who tries to hit it.
scar the permanent mark that remains after a wound has healed.
secret not seen or known by others; private.
shadow the dark image on a surface caused by something that blocks light from the sun.
wade to walk in water or something else that makes movement slower or more difficult.
wagon a small, open cart with four wheels and a handle, used as a child's toy.