Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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appropriation the act of taking something as one's own, often without permission.
casino a room or building for public assembly or entertainment, especially gambling games.
construct to build; put together.
discourage to cause to lose hope or confidence.
ebb the flowing of the tide away from the land to the sea.
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform.
elite (usually used with a plural verb) the best, taken collectively.
foremost first or most important; leading.
forum a public meeting to discuss some problem of public or general interest.
fundamental basic; central; serving as a foundation.
futile unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless.
prior happening earlier in time or sequence.
rampart a mound of earth raised to serve as a defensive fortification, often topped with a protective wall.
retail having to do with the selling of goods directly to those who will use them.
tendency the fact of being likely to act in some way.