Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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confluence a joining of two or more streams, or their point of junction.
debase to reduce in value, quality, esteem, or character.
discourse verbal communication; conversation.
emulate to try to be the same as or better than (another person), especially by imitating.
expiate to atone or make amends for (a sin, crime, offense, or the like).
fallible capable of making mistakes; liable to error.
indigent without financial means to live; needy; poor.
insolvent incapable of paying debts or meeting liabilities; penniless; bankrupt.
openhanded tending to give to others; generous.
paltry small, trifling, or worthless.
pinion2 to restrain (someone) by binding the arms.
projectile any object that is thrown, fired, or shot by an outside force or weapon.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, especially a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
treatise a detailed and formal written work, usually dealing systematically with a single theme or subject.
workaday ordinary; mundane; everyday.