Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affix to attach or join physically (usually used with "to").
analogous similar or corresponding in some particular manner.
apogee the highest or farthest point.
bequest property handed down by will; legacy.
comparative measured or estimated by comparison; relative.
congruity the state or fact of being similar in character or degree;correspondence or fit.
illustrious highly renowned; celebrated; glorious.
inferiority the fact or condition of being lesser in quality, worth, importance, rank, or position.
intolerance inability or unwillingness to accept the existence or validity of opinions, beliefs, customs, and practices different from one's own.
malleable capable of being shaped, as by hammering or rolling.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
plausible seeming to be true or reasonable; credible.
polemic an emphatic statement of a controversial viewpoint, usually criticizing or refuting an existing position.
preclude to prevent from happening by means of prior action or previously established condition.
rebuttal a statement or contention, as in a debate or legal case, that is intended to disprove or confute another.