Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
dishevel to make (hair or clothing) untidy.
disuse the state or condition of not being used or practiced any longer.
gallantry admirable courage.
idealism the pursuit of or belief in noble ideals, principles, and values.
juncture a particular point in time, especially a point of serious importance or crisis.
misconception an error in understanding; wrong notion or idea.
morose gloomy or sullen.
pictorial pertaining to, made of, or containing drawings, paintings, or photographs.
recommence to begin or start again.
revelry noisy merrymaking.
scourge someone or something that inflicts punishment or causes suffering or destruction.
short-term covering, lasting, or completed in a short period.
unctuous excessively or falsely earnest or amiable.
undaunted not discouraged; not giving up even though something is difficult or frightening.