Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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conciliatory tending to placate or reconcile.
concoct to make by putting together a number of parts or ingredients.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
encumbrance something or someone that hinders or burdens; impediment.
exchangeable capable of being interchanged with or given in return for another.
impart to give all or a part of; bestow or transmit.
indictment the act of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury, or the condition of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury.
instigate to purposely agitate or incite; provoke; foment.
inviolate not broken, disturbed, or profaned; pure or intact.
precarious so unstable or insecure as to be dangerous; risky.
precinct an area in a town or city that forms a separate district for voting or that is looked after by one police unit.
salient extremely noticeable or prominent; conspicuous; important.
stanza a group of related lines in a poem that make up one section within the poem. Stanzas often have a regular meter and rhyme pattern.
suave polished and urbane.
tentative not yet fully developed or definitely decided; provisional.