Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annuity a regular yearly income paid at fixed intervals and produced by money invested or by an insurance contract.
belligerent having a fighting character; aggressive.
captious inclined to petty criticism; faultfinding.
discontinuity lack of coherence or logical sequence.
elliptical tending toward or characterized by an economy of expression that creates ambiguity or obscurity, often purposefully.
equanimity the quality of remaining calm, serene, or unruffled, especially under stress; composure.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
fraught accompanied by; full of, usually something bad or unpleasant.
impale to pierce and hold fast with a sharp-pointed instrument such as a spear.
inconsistency an instance of contradiction or illogic.
oblivion the state or condition of being entirely forgotten.
possessive having a strong desire to own and keep things.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal.
tithe an amount of money, produce, or goods equal in value to a tenth of one's income, given or paid as a contribution or tax, especially to a church.
witticism a clever, often perceptive joke, insult, or saying.