Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annuity a regular yearly income paid at fixed intervals and produced by money invested or by an insurance contract.
banter joking, clever conversation.
confound to perplex or bewilder; confuse.
fervid heated or impassioned; intensely enthusiastic.
heterogeneous made up of parts or members that differ from each other. (Cf. homogeneous.)
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction or copying; not original.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
latent present but not yet apparent, developed, or operative.
ludicrous worthy of mockery; laughable and ridiculous.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
poignant deeply touching; arousing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy; piercing; penetrating.
quota the part or share of something that is due to a person or group.
retention the act or process of maintaining the possession or use of.
sordid morally bad; ignoble or base.
strident harsh-sounding or loud; raucous; grating.