Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cable a bundle of insulated wires used to carry electric current.
calculation deliberate scheming.
conductor the leader of a musical group.
cowardice a lack of bravery to work through danger, pain, or other difficult things.
destructive causing complete ruin or destruction.
dictionary a book, or a source of information found on a computer, that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order, along with information about their meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.
effort the action of physical or mental energy.
enjoyable pleasant; giving joy.
herb a plant that is used for healing the body or to give a pleasant smell or taste to something.
huddle to move close together or push in against one another when sharing something such as heat.
infect to spread germs or disease to.
machinery machines in general.
mental of or having to do with the operation of the mind.
option the right, power, or freedom to choose.
pleasure a feeling of happiness, delight, or joy.