Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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claustrophobia an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places.
collision an act or instance of coming together with force; crash.
confront to meet, face, or stand up to boldly.
converse2 a thing that is the opposite or the reverse of something else.
ecological of or pertaining to the relationships between living things and their environments.
enroll to enlist or sign up officially.
eradicate to do away with completely; wipe out.
integrate to bring together and mix into a whole.
naive simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion.
persuasion the act of convincing someone to believe something or do something.
renew to make like new; restore.
revolt to rise up and fight against the government or other authority; rebel.
rogue a person who is dishonest or mean.
stimulus something that causes or increases action, feeling, or thought.
treacherous betraying or likely to betray trust; false.