Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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asterisk a sign (*). It is used to show that there is other information on the page that explains the information where the sign is placed.
commodious comfortably spacious; roomy.
condone to pardon, disregard, or overlook voluntarily or without condemning.
disabuse to free (a person) from misconception or deception; set straight.
fracas a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
inanition a state of exhaustion caused by a lack of nourishment.
insipid having a bland or uninteresting flavor; tasteless.
noisome offensive or disgusting, especially in smell; foul.
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position.
recurve to bend or curve back or backward, as the ends of certain shooting bows.
saturnine gloomy, sullen, or cynical in temperament or appearance.
seminal of critical importance; essential.
tyro one who is beginning to learn a business, trade, sport, or the like; novice; neophyte.
uxorial of, pertaining to, or befitting a wife.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.