Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrate to manage, handle, or supervise.
adolescent a person who is changing from a child to an adult; teenager.
diversion an act or instance of turning aside.
fundamental basic; central; serving as a foundation.
humdrum lacking variety; dull, monotonous, and commonplace.
impress to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact.
judicial having to do with judges, law courts, or their activities.
lust a strong desire for something (usually followed by "for").
malicious having or reflecting a wish to harm.
measly (informal) ridiculously inadequate or unsatisfactory; paltry.
novelty the quality of being new or unusual.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
rustic living or happening in the country.
sophistication the quality or condition of having worldly knowledge, elegant refinement, or technological complexity.
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study.