Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adore to love and admire very strongly.
article a single thing; one item out of a group of similar objects.
atlas a book of maps, tables, or charts.
budge to change or begin to change position slightly.
education the act or work of learning or training.
envy a feeling of wanting what someone else has.
heighten to make higher.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
punctual on time; prompt.
ruffle to disturb a smooth, even surface.
satisfy to give what is wanted or needed.
senior having served longer at a job or position.
stammer to speak in an anxious or uncertain way. People who stammer often repeat sounds and stop between words.
upper higher in place, rank, position, or level.
weep to show strong feelings by crying.