Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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academic having to do with a school.
akin similar in kind or spirit; alike.
barter to trade services or things for other services or things without using money.
confidential secret.
ensemble a group of performers, such as actors or musicians, who perform together.
execute to do or carry out; to make (something) become a reality.
formerly in the past; in a time before now.
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
furlough a vacation for a person in the military.
glaze a shiny coating on pottery.
periodic happening or appearing at regular times.
perplex to puzzle, confuse, or cause uncertainty in the mind of (a person).
procession the act of moving forward in a formal, orderly way.
reckon to count or estimate; figure.
subjective affected or shaped by personal experience, beliefs, and feelings.