Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abash to cause to feel embarrassed, uneasy, or ashamed.
chary not dispensing freely.
deter to stop or discourage from some action by creating doubt or fear.
discomfit to upset or confuse.
elide to leave out or slur, as a syllable or letter, in pronunciation.
extralegal not regulated or permitted by law; outside of legal authority.
fungible interchangeable.
gullible believing almost anything; easily tricked.
incursion a raid or sudden invasion.
indemnity insurance against damage, loss, or liability.
insipid having a bland or uninteresting flavor; tasteless.
misfeasance a normally lawful act performed in an unlawful way.
parsimonious excessively frugal; stingy.
peremptory not permitting refusal or disobedience.
sequester to remove into protection and isolation; seclude.