Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acknowledgment the act of acknowledging.
anthology a collection of written works, such as poems or stories. An anthology can be written by one or by several authors.
constitutional having to do with a constitution.
contour the outline of a figure or surface; shape.
despondent low in spirits; unhappy, depressed, or dejected.
horde a large number, group, or crowd.
plumb to examine closely.
reverie a state of daydreaming, reminiscing, or musing.
segment one of the parts into which something is or can be separated.
situate to put in a particular place or position; place or locate.
stationary not moving; still.
taut tightly drawn, pulled, or stretched; not loose.
traction the grip or holding power of a body moving on a surface.
typhoon a hurricane that occurs in the western Pacific area and the China Sea.
vista a distant view as seen from a particular point or through an opening such as between buildings or trees.