Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arrange to put in some kind of order, pattern, or design.
average a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary.
awareness the state or condition of having noticed something or being conscious of something.
canter a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop.
communication the sharing or exchange of messages, information, or ideas.
forbid to give orders that prevent or prohibit.
gland a group of cells or an organ that produces fluids that are released into the body or pass out of the body.
gorgeous very beautiful; splendid.
ogre an ugly giant or monster in folk tales and children's stories. Ogres are said to eat people.
persecute to continually treat in a cruel or harsh way because of race, religion, political ideas, or some other difference.
pharmacy a place in a store or hospital in which drugs are prepared and sold; drugstore.
ruffle to disturb a smooth, even surface.
scuffle to take part in a brief, confused fight.
warrant a document issued by a judge that gives a police officer the right to make searches, seize property, or make arrests.
youngster a young person; child.