Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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biscuit a small, round-shaped bread for one person made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. Biscuits are not usually sweet.
cast a thick, stiff covering for an injured limb or joint, especially one in which the bone is broken. A cast is made of cloth and some kind of liquid material that can become very hard and solid.
change to make different.
choir a group of people who sing together, especially a group that sings religious music; chorus.
clever having a quick mind; smart.
courthouse a building where courts of law and other government offices are located.
dream an event in which changing pictures or images come into your mind as you sleep.
electric using or having to do with electricity.
pit1 a deep natural or artificial hole in the ground.
rail one of the two long steel bars along which a train moves.
rush to act or go fast; hurry.
shove to push in a rough way or without care.
sign something that shows a fact, event, or some other thing.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.