Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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able having the power or knowledge to do something.
brave ready to face pain or danger; showing courage.
catch to get control of (someone or something moving away); capture.
flesh the soft parts of the human or animal body that lie between the skin and the bones. Flesh includes muscle and fat.
foolish having poor sense; silly.
front the most forward part or side of something.
lend to let someone use something that is yours. When you lend a thing to someone, you expect that person to return it to you.
music pleasant sounds made by voices or instruments.
phrase a group of words forming part of a sentence but not having both a subject and a verb.
saucer a small dish used for holding a cup.
shake to move back and forth or up and down with small and quick motions.
study to try to gain knowledge or skill.
tongue the organ in the mouth used for tasting and swallowing and also in human speech.
trick to deceive someone.
wax a solid yellow substance that is made with fats or oils. It melts when you heat it for a short time.