Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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constantly continuously; without ever stopping.
contagious able to be spread from person to person.
dormitory a building with many bedrooms, often lived in by students. Many colleges have dormitories.
excuse to forgive or pardon.
geography the physical features of an area on the earth's surface.
grill a rack of metal bars used to hold foods for cooking over flames.
gush to flood out in large amounts and with great force; spurt.
hassle something that bothers or troubles someone in a small way.
hunch to lift up or arch into a hump.
minister a person authorized to perform or help at the religious services of some religions.
outskirts the edges or outlying areas of a city or town.
recline to lie down in a comfortable position.
spur a metal piece with a spike that is attached to the heel of a rider's boot. Spurs are used to make a horse go forward.
squawk to give a harsh scream.
tardy late or delayed.