Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ambush a surprise attack made from a hidden place.
avalanche the sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain.
dismal full of gloom; sad.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
guilt the fact of having done something wrong or having broken a law.
hovel a small, uncomfortable, dirty house or hut.
inmate someone who is restricted to a jail, hospital, or the like.
intellect the ability to reason and understand.
isolation the act of setting apart, or the state of being set apart from other things or people.
penal of, concerning, or giving out punishment, especially according to law.
proprietary or or pertaining to ownership.
pun a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning.
shortcoming a fault or weakness in character, behavior, or ability.
snare1 anything intended to lure, tempt, or entangle unsuspecting victims; trap.
visionary a person with a unique capability to predict what will become important in the future.