Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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discovery the act of finding or seeing something before anyone else.
diversity the state or condition of being varied or consisting of various kinds.
importance the quality or condition of having great significance or value.
invasion an act or instance of invading by an enemy or hostile army.
poet a person who writes poetry.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
rectangle a flat, closed figure with four straight sides, four right angles, and opposite sides parallel to each other.
researcher one who does careful, dedicated study of something in order to gain information about it or solve a problem.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
strum to play by running the fingers in a light way across the strings.
technological of or relating to technology.
technology a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry, or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas.
utensil a device, instrument, or container used in a kitchen.
venture an activity or undertaking in which there is risk or the result is not certain.
worldwide spread or happening all over the world.