Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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crutch a support used to help injured people walk. A crutch is a pole with a padded top that rests under the arm.
election the process of choosing a person for office by voting.
financial having to do with money or those whose job is to manage money.
garb clothes, especially those characteristic of a particular profession, way of life, or the like.
gust a sudden rush or blast of wind.
hedge a solid row of bushes, used as a kind of fence.
irrigate to supply with water by artificial means from a natural source of water.
lessen to become or make smaller in amount or size.
obedient likely or willing to obey rules or orders.
remain to go on being; continue in a particular way without a change.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
slit to cut a long straight line into or through.
structure a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way.
whisper to speak in a soft, low tone.
workshop a room or building in which a particular kind of work is done, usually involving manual or mechanical skills.