Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affectation falseness or superficiality of appearance or behavior; pretense.
amicable characterized by good will; friendly.
contemptible deserving of scorn or moral disgust; disgraceful; dishonorable.
kindred a group of related people, such as a tribe or clan.
macabre of, pertaining to, depicting, or evoking death or the horrors of death; gruesome; ghastly.
obsequious showing or tending to show servile obedience or deference; fawning.
pessimism the belief that events will turn out badly; tendency to expect the worst.
proliferate to spread or increase quickly.
prologue an introduction to a spoken or written work such as a speech or play; preface.
rebuff to reject, repel, block, or set back.
sinewy of sinew, or sinewlike; strong; tough.
sojourn to live for a short time in a place; stay temporarily.
tangent a line of discussion leading away from the original topic; digression.
veer to change direction; turn quickly.
verisimilitude the appearance or semblance of truth or reality.