Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing.
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
despair the complete lack of hope.
dishonor loss of honor or reputation.
forbid to give orders that prevent or prohibit.
genial cheerful and friendly.
governor a person who leads a state of the United States or some other political unit.
gradual happening by degrees that are small and even.
merchandise goods for buying and selling.
minor less important or serious than others of the same kind.
possess to own or have.
sag to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle.
state the condition of a person or thing.
treasure money or valuable items that have been collected or stored up.
university a large school, where people both learn and do research. A student must finish high school before attending a university. Universities offer several levels of degrees.