Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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canal a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops.
certain sure; positive; having no doubt.
continent one of the earth's seven major areas of land. The continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
defy to refuse to obey.
fluid a liquid or gas. A fluid flows easily and takes the shape of the container that holds it. Water and air are fluids.
journal a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary.
largely mostly; mainly; to a large extent.
outcome a result of something.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
recite to speak the words of from memory and in front of others.
repel to ward off or force back.
robe a long, loose gown worn at certain ceremonies.
tremble to shake from fear, weakness, or cold.
visual having to do with sight or seeing.
whisk to brush off or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush.