Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bazaar an outdoor street market made up of rows of little shops or stalls where people buy and sell things.
challenge to invite to enter into a fight or contest of skill; dare.
croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice.
director a person who guides the affairs of a business or other organization.
graze1 to feed on growing grass.
infest to spread in or overrun as a nuisance or danger.
mood the way a person feels at a certain time.
patio a paved area next to a house that is used for dining or relaxing outdoors.
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; shaky.
rig to make ready for use by attaching sails, lines, and rope.
sensitive able to smell, hear, taste, feel, or see very well.
several being an amount that is more than "a few" but less than "many."
sympathy kind understanding and concern for others when they are sad, suffering, or having trouble.
uncover to discover or make known; reveal.
wonder to feel admiration, surprise, or amazement (often followed by "at").