Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blouse a loose shirt for women.
bounce to spring back or up after hitting against a surface.
closet a small room or space for storing things such as clothes or supplies.
dusty full of or covered with dust.
fasten to join two things or two sides of something so that they stay together.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
hair a single, thin structure like a thread that grows on the body of humans and some animals.
lamp a device that uses electricity, oil, or gas to produce light. A lamp usually stands on a desk, table, or floor.
meat the flesh of animals when used as food.
mind the part of a person that thinks, understands, remembers, imagines, and feels.
push to move something or cause something to move by using pressure against it.
speaker a person who uses words to say things.
swallow to cause food to go from the mouth to the stomach.
waist the part of the body between the chest and hips.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.