Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction.
heap many things lying on top of each other; pile.
honestly in an honest way.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
justice the upholding of what is fair, just, and right.
lady a polite word for woman or girl.
magnify to cause to appear larger.
paddle an oar with a wide, flat blade and long handle. A paddle is used with both arms for moving a small boat through the water. A paddle is not attached to the boat.
port a place where ships load, or the town or city near this place.
rob to steal something from a person or place, often with the use of force.
sailor a member of the navy who works aboard a ship.
stun to shock or amaze.
suck to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips.
useful having a practical use or purpose.