Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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convoke to summon to an assembly; marshal.
disincline to cause to be unwilling or reluctant.
dross anything that is worthless or useless; rubbish.
energize to inspire, make active, or enliven.
induce to persuade or influence, as to a course of action.
omnivorous living on a diet of both plant and animal food.
palpitate of the heart, to pulsate rapidly; flutter; quiver.
patrician of, concerning, or belonging to an aristocratic class.
populace the people who live in a particular place.
profuse great in amount or number.
protagonist the leading character in a literary work.
remuneration pay, reward, or compensation.
remunerative providing or likely to provide payment or reward; profitable.
strident harsh-sounding or loud; raucous; grating.
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.