Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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blueprint a print of a drawing that shows a building plan. Blueprints usually have white lines on a blue background.
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events.
console1 to give comfort in time of loss or suffering; make less sad.
discount an amount taken away from the full or regular price or cost.
dosage the amount or timing of medicine to be taken.
gallant brave and dashing.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
nocturnal happening in the night.
perceive to become aware of through the senses.
periodic happening or appearing at regular times.
reasonable using good sense and clear thinking.
rebellion an armed fight against one's government; uprising.
recuperate to become healthy again after being ill.
strategy a plan, method, or series of actions meant to perform a particular goal or effect.
veteran having gained experience over a long time.