Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened.
arrogant having or showing too much pride; behaving as though one is more important than others.
bard in ancient Celtic times, a person who composed and recited or sang epic poetry.
beforehand ahead of time; at an earlier time.
category a particular section of a main group; class.
concept a general idea or thought.
consolidation the act of combining into a whole or mass; unification.
fluctuation unsteadiness; vacillation.
inquiry a question or request for information.
institute to bring into being or set in operation.
justify to show to be true or right; prove.
livelihood means of earning or getting what is needed to live.
procurement the act or process of obtaining something with deliberate effort or care.
quagmire an unpleasant situation that is difficult to escape.
recruit a soldier who has just joined or been drafted into the armed forces.