Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed.
appurtenance (plural) equipment or instruments used for a given purpose; gear.
bereft deprived or stripped of something.
bilge the rounded part of a ship's hull between the bottom and the sides.
boudoir a woman's private sitting room or bedroom.
imprecation a curse, uttered or thought of.
ingenuous having or showing simplicity and lack of sophistication; artless.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
liminal of or at the threshold of a physiological or psychological response or change of state.
maverick a person who thinks and behaves independently, especially one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs.
opiate something that induces relaxation, calm, or stupor.
pandemic a widespread outbreak of disease that afflicts many people over different continents.
pelf money or wealth, usually regarded with disapproval or contempt.
revetment a facing of stone, masonry, or the like to support or protect a wall, embankment, or mound of earth.
sylph a slender, graceful woman or girl.