Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affable pleasant to talk to and be with; friendly; likeable.
affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
awry in an unplanned and undesired direction.
disband of an organized group, to break up or disperse.
dossier a set of papers or documents that provide detailed information on a particular person or subject.
equilibrium a state of balance between two or more forces.
inestimable of value or worth that cannot be measured; invaluable.
lamentable deserving to be mourned or regretted; deplorable; unfortunate; disappointing.
momentous very important.
provisional adopted on a temporary or tentative basis until something permanent is established; conditional.
revitalize to bring new life to.
salient extremely noticeable or prominent; conspicuous; important.
savant a person of deep learning; scholar.
seclude to keep apart from other people or activity.
untimely not occurring at a convenient or appropriate time; poorly timed.