Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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carriage a vehicle with wheels that is covered or enclosed and is used for carrying people.
debt something owed to another person.
deputy a person appointed to assist and sometimes act in the place of someone else.
discontent not satisfied; unhappy.
equally in the same way; alike.
excursion a short trip made for some purpose.
flatten to squash or compress.
global having to do with the whole earth.
lawsuit a legal case brought before a court, especially when a person or group has a strong complaint against another.
mattress a large pad that supports the body while sleeping, made of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as cotton, hair, straw, or foam rubber.
religious devoted to the beliefs of a particular religion.
soul the part of human beings separate from the physical body that is thought of as the center of feeling, thought, and spirit.
totally completely; entirely.
vast very large in size or area.
ware (usually plural) a thing or things offered for sale.