Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board.
believable able to be believed; credible; convincing.
choice the act or an instance of selecting or picking.
diagnose to determine the identity of (a disease) by examination.
dismay alarm, confusion, or mental distress.
downtown of or located in the lower part or the business area of a city.
hurricane a powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
neglect an act or instance of not giving enough care or attention to something.
pronounce to make the sound of or express with the voice in a specific way.
scan to read or look over quickly.
selection the act of choosing one thing from a group.
snicker to laugh in a sly and partly restrained way.
sufficient enough; as much as needed.
valuable worth a lot of money.