Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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acclivity a rising slope.
amity friendly and peaceful relations; good will.
antediluvian hopelessly old-fashioned; primitive; outdated.
asperity harshness or roughness, especially of tone or manner.
blithe indifferent or casual; unconcerned.
chary not dispensing freely.
curmudgeon an irritable or ill-tempered person.
cynosure a thing or person that is the center of attention and admiration.
harbinger someone or something that signals or foreshadows a later arrival or occurrence; herald; forerunner.
imprimatur any official permission or sanction.
lambent glowing softly.
oligarchy a government or state in which only a relatively few people or members of a family have real power.
relict a plant, animal, or geological feature that has survived in a considerably changed environment.
salacious excited by lust; lecherous.
trabeated using horizontal beams or lintels as supports instead of arches.